[LK 1021] Sub. Code: 4720 Q.P. Code : 664720
B.Sc. (Nursing) Degree Examination Second Year Paper V
(New Regulations for the candidates admitted from 2006-07 onwards)
Communication and Educational Technology
February 2017
Time : Three hours Maximum : 75 Marks
I. Elaborate on: (2 x 15 = 30)
1. a) Define teaching.
b) Illustrate the characteristics of a good teaching and factors influencing learning.
c) How will you plan and organize a workshop in a nursing college?
2. a) Define evaluation.
b) Explain the types of evaluation.
c) How do you evaluate clinical skills of students?
II. Write notes on: (5 x 5 = 25)
1. Explain Johari’s window model.
2. Role play.
3. Principles of health education.
4. Flash card.
5. Lesson plan.
III. Short answers on: (10 x 2 = 20)
1. Characteristics of educational objectives.
2. Phases of IPR.
3. Types of guidance services.
4. List the psychological methods used in counseling services.
5. Enlist the methods of assessing knowledge.
6. Types of models.
7. Anecdotal record.
8. Elements of communication process.
9. Definition of sociometry.
10.Types of crisis.
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